Saturday, January 12, 2013

Legal Marijuana

Now that Amendment 64 has passed, Coloradans should give some thought to what this means for our state. Some will envision an enclave of personal freedom where responsible drug users enjoy their marijauna use while causing no harm to others. The pessimists will be concerned about trying to live and work with people who are constantly stoned. The reality is somewhere in the middle.

First of all, one unintended consequence of Amendment 64 will be to end the charade of medical marijuana. We all know that medical marijuana is the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on and by the people of this state. Anyone who knows anyone with 'a card' knows that their medical marijauna registration is solely to allow their recreational use of this drug. So, we will see the number of medical marijuana dispenseries and the number of medical marijuana card holders plummet once recreational marijauna is available. Those of us who did not support medical marijuana will at least be gratified that the falsehoods of medical marijuana will finally be exposed.

Another effect of Amendment 64 will be changes to the distribution and sale of marijuana, but perhaps not in the ways that many people have predicted. It is assumed that the current marijuana distribution network - a criminal enterprise - will suddenly become a series of tax-paying, law abiding companies. Not likely. These people are criminals. They enjoy making money outside the legal framework that legitimate businesses must operate under. They certainly will not be transformed overnight into law-abiding business owners and upstanding members of the community. Newsflash: Drug dealers are not altruistic advocates for marijuana use and personal freedom. They are criminals operating a criminal enterprise in order to make money. If compliance with the law will cut into their profits, they will continue to produce and sell marijuana on the black market.

We will see an increase in marijauna use among teenagers. Supporters of medical marijuana somehow believe that legal recreational use by those over 21 will actually reduce use by teens. Either they are stoned or they think the rest of us are. According to a recent article in the East High School student newspaper, since medical marijuana was established, marijuana use incidents at East have increased dramatically. I have personally witnessed a person get on a bus on East Colfax, profer a baggie clearly marked with a label from a dispensary, and ask if anyone 'needs to buy some medicine'. I doubt he was checking ids. Such incidents will only increase with Amendment 64.

We will, of course, see a reduction in marijuana convictions under state law. Currently, the demographics of marijuana convictions show that there are disproportionately more young African American and Hispanic men in jail for marijuana possession. While Amendment 64 will reduce the numbers of people in prison, it will not address the underlying causes of disproportionate drug use among minorities. Do legalization advocates really believe that the thousands of people in jail for marijuana possession or distribution are otherwise fine, upstanding citizens?   Legalization of marijauna will not address the underlying causes of drug use and criminal activity in minority and white populations. The economic and opportunity obstacles that many face will remain and will continue to feed the desparation and despair that contribute to drug use and other criminal activities.

The mental health toll of drug abuse will also increase with legalized marijuana. No one can deny that the use of strong psycho-active substances contriubutes to mental health issues. Will the white and well-off aging hippies who voted for Amendment 64 share the burden of increased addiction counseling among the poor and minority populations that are typically hit hardest by drug abuse?

Colorado's reputation as a state with a healthy and well educated population will be eclipsed by the perception that we are all a bunch of stoners. The late night TV jokes have already started. Businesses considering to expand or relocate will not consider Colorado. Business growth and the jobs that go along with it will move to other states where employers can count on having a workforce that is fully functional. Furthermore, any reduction in respiratory health issues that we have recently seen due to reduction in tobacco use will be reversed because of increased marijuana use - it is smoke, after all.

Thanks to the college kids, old hippies, and stoners who voted in favor of Amendment 64. I hope you enjoy your exercise of personal freedom. There will be numerous and long-lasting negative consequences for rest of us and for the state of Colorado.


  1. The mental health toll of drug abuse will also increase with legalized marijuana. No one can deny that the use of strong psycho-active substances contriubutes to mental health issues. Will the white and well-off aging hippies who voted for Amendment 64 share the burden of increased addiction counseling among the poor and minority populations that are typically hit hardest by drug abuse

    This is a huge LIE and the author is a liar.......Ive worked in a state mental health hospital for 20yrs and you know how many marijuana psychosis Patients have had? ZERO ZIP ZILCH NADA none...these arre nothing more than scare tatctic lies

  2. wow are you a liar

    disproportionate drug use among minorities. THIS IS FALSE

    you are nothing more than a piece of shit liar

  3. I suppose you see things the way many brain washed Americans do. Marijuana is harmful and has numerous and long-lasting negative effects. Where are the scientific facts to back this up. If you vaporize or eat marijuana than the respiratory issue is a non-factor. If I choose to use marijuana over a more harmful prescription medication then that is my prerogative. Neither you nor the government has a right to step in.
